How to Handle A Fully Dislodged Tooth?

There can be numerous dental issues ranging from pain to infection whose treatment can be delayed by a few hours or days. But if you suffer from a blunt blow to your mouth resulting in a dislodged or knocked-out tooth, then an emergency visit to a dentist cannot be put off even by a second because if not treated in time, then you may end up losing a tooth or some more. You will need to see the dentist immediately and get the treatment to save your precious canines.

Dislodged Tooth v/s Knocked-Out Tooth

These dental emergencies are a bit different from the dislocation or the complete detachment of a tooth. A dislodged or luxated tooth gets dislocated out of its socket due to blunt force trauma or accident. It can be highly painful, but in this situation, the tooth has a better chance of being saved by taking the right steps. A knocked-out or an avulsed tooth is entirely knocked out of the mouth due to external force. It can still be retained if handled correctly without getting it dirty and saving the root. 

Handling Damaged Tooth in Emergency

During a dental emergency, such as a fully Dislodged Tooth, putting it back into the socket should be tried immediately so that the roots do not dry up, causing nerve damage. If putting it back is not possible, then it should be washed gently with clean cold water. At all costs, its root should not be touched and prevented from drying up; the tooth should be kept in milk to prolong its life till the dentist can fix the damage. It can also be put inside the mouth between the person’s gums and cheek to keep it moist with saliva; the same process can be followed in case of a dislodged tooth.

Saving the Tooth with Root Canal Treatment

After reaching the dentist to treat the traumatic dental injury, a thorough exam will be conducted based on which the tooth will be put back into the socket and stabilized with a splint for the initial weeks. The level of root development will be evaluated to carry out the root canal treatment (RCT) and the use of medicine, if necessary.


When going through this type of traumatic dental injury, Emergency Dental Service can find you the best dental care center instantly. You can call us on 1-888-350-1340 or contact us online to get you to the nearest emergency dentist.


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